Bidvertiser for web publishers

Bidvertiser is a PPC (pay per click) program, which also offers an affiliate program. So you have more possibilities to earn money with Bidvertiser. You can also advertise on Bidvertiser, and there is also a PPC program for eBay sellers. But we will discuss in this article how to make money online, not how to spend money online.

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Bidvertiser for web publishers

In order to join to Bidvertiser as a publisher, you must read the guidelines to see if your blog will be accepted. They don’t say anything about the blog’s language, but since I saw Romanian ads, it seems that they accept blogs in any languages.

After you join Bidvertiser (it takes up to 48 hours for your blog to be approved) and configure your ads, you must insert some html lines to your blog, where you want your ads to be displayed. The ads will appear instantly.

Advertisers will bid against each other for your ad space and through Bidvertiser ad serving system will always display the highest bidders, those that will generate the maximum revenue for your advertising space.

Once you have joined Bidvertiser, you can display ads on whatever domain you want (I’ve just realized that my second domain, I mean EzMoneyOn.Net, didn’t go through the approval process, though they said they review manually all the submitted domains).

Bidvertiser has a wide range of ads, full customizable. You can change colors and fonts. My advice is to change the colors and fonts to suits your blog, to look like being a part of it. You can see how we customize our Bidvertiser ads. Did you like them?

Bidvertiser provide full statistics for every ad on your blog. You could add a name for each ad, to see what ad works better. For each ad, you have a list of advertisers, with the maximum bid for each of them. This doesn’t mean that for a click on a specific ad, you will get the maximum bid. Maximum bid is the higher amount of money an advertiser would pay for the ads to be displayed. Some of the ads are geo-targeted. This means that ad will be displayed only to visitors from the listed countries.

You can have control over the ads that appears on your blog. By default, all the ads are approved. But you can also decline an ad if you don’t like it (for example if it is a competitors’ ad).

You can also display Bidvertiser ads within your feeds, using a plugin for WordPress developed by them and available for download within your Publisher account. This plugin is only available for BidVertiser’s Publishers and it includes unique identification info for each publisher. After you apply for your feed ads you will be given a verification code which you need to publish in a blog post for Bidvertiser to verify that you are the owner of that feed. After verification (which takes about 1 minute) you can delete that post.

If you are using FeedBurner and would still like to keep your subscribers count, have access to all of its features, statistics and use your current FeedBurner address you have to follow some simple steps in order to embed Bidvertiser ads in your FeedBurner feed.

Affiliate program

All you have to do is to place a button, banner or text link on your blog and you will start earn money when a user click on them and signs as an advertiser or a publisher.

When a user signs as an advertiser and first spends $10, Bidvertiser will credit your account with $5. When that same advertiser spends $50, you will be credited with an additional $20.

When a user signs as a publisher and first earns $10, Bidvertiser will credit your account with $10. When that same publisher earns $50, you will be credited with an additional $40.

Your earnings will be tracked in your Referral control panel along with clicks, sign-ups and conversions.

Bidvertiser make monthly payments, either by check or instantly through PayPal with a minimum of only $10.

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One Response to “Bidvertiser for web publishers”

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