Get Paid To Blog With Google Adsense Revenue Sharing at Blogetery

Have you heard about making money with contextual ads? Well, as for me, making money with Google Adsense is one of the most popular techniques, so most people have heard about it, but it is not that easy to earn making money with this ad system, as far as, a website is required for participation here.

But there is a smart way out of here, we can use free adsense revenue sharing websites to post our content and get paid for it, let take a closer look at one of them, it is called

How to earn money by publishing content at

The list of possible make money online opportunities is getting bigger and bigger and sometimes I think that it is more then enough. To tell the truth, we don’t need a lot of skills or time to start earning money from home. Lets take a look at one typical example of generating money from home – writing content and earning money with blogs.

If you aren’t knew to the world of web business, you probably know the real value of good or high-quality content. To cut the long story short, every single one of us can earn money at home by writing content and we can either sell it for one time fee or create niche websites, post content articles there and collect advertising revenue on daily basis.

So today I would like to tell briefly about a website, which helps people earn money by blogging (especially those, who don’t have enough time and skills for creating personal blogs or don’t have money for hosting services).

What is and what free tools do they offer? is a free blog hosting service, which allows its users create free blogs, publish content and get money for placing adsense ads on these websites. It is a typical blog hosting service with Google Adsense revenue sharing offer.

I am using the services of Blogetery for a pretty long time and I am pretty satisfied, according to my actual experience I can name the biggest advantages of this service – unlimited space, numerous plug-ins and installations to choose from, large variety of free blog designs and well-optimized Google Adsense placement (users can even insert ads directly in the post body, which significantly increases the chances of earning money).

If order to start blogging and earning cash at you need an activated Google Adsense account, which is not that hard to set up, if you don’t have one yet. Speaking of the revenue share, users receive 75% of the money generated by their blogetery blogs (25% is kept by the owners of this service, which financially helps them maintaining and running their website).

Thank you a lot of reading my article, if making money with the help of blogs attracts you and you would like to know more about such earning technique, check out my other articles, subscribe to or just follow me on Twitter.

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