Fribiz Social Network

At first this blog was only about earning money from home, but after thinking about it for a while, I have decided to write about various freebies and survey websites, which give us an opportunity of getting stuff for free, because usually paid social networks reward their users with valuable prizes, which include gift cards and PayPal money (which is actually e-money).

I did write about earning money with e-surveys already and I do feel like it is time for moving on to cooler stuff.

Anyways the website I am willing to show you right now has been already featured on, but I got literary addicted to, I can’t live a day without visiting these free auction and keep from bidding on those awesome items.

What is and how to get free prizes?

The idea standing behind the Fribiz’s stage is very simple, the owners of this service just want to develop a unique social network, where users could be money for using various web2.0 projects, communicate and be themselves online. Every registered member, has a set amount of points, which could be used for bidding on numerous auction items, the highest bid wins and the winner automatically receives the prize by mail.

I have already won a fingertip mouse at and here is a post where I describe how Fribiz service works and show off my prize – please refer to this article for more information).

How to get points on paid social network?

To tell the truth, owners offer a large variety of methods for receiving points. First of all, you get 10k points just for signing up with this website. Second of all, users are eligible to participate in one of a kind referral program and receive 10k points for every new member, who uses user referral link to join fribiz (on first level).

Register at and get free stuff

As far as I have understood, as a member at, you will be getter commissions for referrals 5 levels deep (which creates some sort of a matrix which will definitely give you loads of points, which could be possibly be used for bidding on items). There are two more ways of getting points – completing sponsored offers and participating in member contests (depending on the contest you can get up to 1M fribiz points and I have to tell you that it is A LOT).

Fribiz proofs – prizes I won and received

Right now I have received two prizes and am still waiting for one to arrive. I got very excited with my new mouse (which I got from Fribiz owners), so I have won an identical one for my friend, also I got a USB-card reader, which should arrive pretty soon.

Prize 1 (Received) – USB Optical Mouse

My Fribiz prize

Anyways, check out these totally free items, which I got from fribiz and sign up with this free paid social network today, it is totally free and takes less time then posting a forum thread. Thanks for reading and feel free to leave your questions or comments about

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