Make Money Writing Articles for Triond

Triond is one of the newer paid to write article sites, however they have an unique mix to their theme. They accept and pay for articles, poetry, music, and as well as videos. Payment comes around $.60 for every 200th view – that was what I was told.Register here:

Triond helps showcase your content so your work gets maximum exposure or readership and you earn recognition and also make money. As soon as your content is published on one of the blogs in their network, it begins generating revenue from several income sources, such as display of banner or textual ads and contextual advertising like Google Adsense or Yahoo Publisher Network Ads that appears on the pages of your content.

Triond shares with you 50% of the revenue generated by your content.

Now let me break the process of earning money online with Triond in a few simple easy to understand steps :-

  • Create an account on for free.
  • Create unique and original content in any format like writing articles, pictures, video or audio on any subject and post it.
  • Your content gets published on relevant websites in Triond’s network.
  • You get 50% of the revenue share that is generated through your content.
  • Your revenue share is paid out on 15th of every month for the money you have earned till the end of the previous month.
  • You can receive payments through Paypal, Bank Transfer or through Western Union Money Transfer.

At Triond you need not worry about the advertisement that is displayed on your page. Neither do you need to add your own Adsense Or Yahoo publisher ID to make money from contextual advertising on Triond. In fact as I have said earlier you just need to put attention to creating content and submitting it to Triond. You can publish as much as you like.

As in all other ways to earn money on the Internet, at Triond also the amount of money that you can earn absolutely depends upon the amount of visitors that you contents receive. So publish more content as often as possible on Triond to keep earning more money. Remember as you keep on adding content your earnings will add up too.

The blogs or sites on which Triond publishes your content is already established so you automatically receive a lot of visitors. Also as your content is published on established blogs and sites so it has maximum chances to rank higher in Search Engines Results for relevant searches.

One more thing that is noted is that you can also get links to your already existing sites or blogs from your posts on Triond. So you can also get double benefits of SEO and Money by posting on Triond.

Triond also has a referral program. That is you can also earn when you refer somebody to Triond. You can earn 10% of what your referral earns (without subtracting anything from your referral's earnings) for a lifetime.

It’s really simple – You create – Triond publishes – You earn! Quick, fast and fun too!

Thus you see that it is really simple to start earning money on the internet with Triond.

So without waiting anymore go to – sign up for a free account – post your content – start making money online.

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