P2W with Hubpages

HubPages allows members to write about their favorite topics and earn a share of revenue from Google ads, Amazon.com ads and eBay ads. Google automatically places ads on published content and it’s up to writers to decide what product ads they want on their pages.

HubPages shares revenue based on impressions (or page views). Basically, they receive revenue for ads 40% of the time, while writers earn revenue 60% of the time. Writers are paid directly by Google, Amazon.com and eBay when minimum payouts have been reached.

Register here
: http://hubpages.com

Why People Write On Hubpages

1) To earn money online: Peoples writes hubs because they want to earn money. They can earn easy money from adsense, amazon and ebay. Some time i don’t understand why some peoples earn loads of money from amazon/ebay but not from adsense. And people who earn load of money from adsense don’t earn good money from amazon/ebay. The possible reason, Suppose i am buyer and searching to buy some cool curtains for my childs room but when i visit two hubs. First hub which has adsense enabled but don’t have related ads. So, this hub will earn less. And when i visit other hub which will show some cool curtains for my child room. I will probably think and buy. So, vice versa.

To earn money from hubpges,

  1. You should have related ads for adsense for you article.
  2. For earning from amazon, you should sell products.
  3. You should have load of traffic. Getting traffic on hubpages is depends on the hubbers. Some gets traffic easily and some not.
  4. If you have tons of useless traffic you can enable Kontera. But see most people don’t use Kontera. Still people who has tons hubs they use them.

2) To get links from hubpages: Large number of peoples wants to get some do follow links from hubs, this is just because of huge authority and trust from Google, Yahoo, Bing and Ask. If you get some powerful links from these websites you can improve search engine ranking dramatically for your articles/websites. So, i can say this website is also a spammers paradise. Large number of people is using hubpages to get links. So, hubspages implemented one rule. You will get dofollow link only when your profile has scrore of 75. Which is not easy task for most of the peoples. For getting links from this site peoples write 500 words to 2000 words or even hire people to write for them. Finally it is real and worthy deal.

3) To pass time on hubpages: Hubpages has very popular forum. People pass time hours and debate for many things. Some times these debates go dirty and peoples keep fighting on useless things. Still you can find many interesting threads in this forums and you can meet new peoples and writers of different thoughts.

4) To get online recognition: Hubpages has follower and following. It is standard for some people. Suppose you are expert in writing about relationships. So, you will write some article to show your expertise on some topic. This will help you to gain some recognition and people with similar interest will follow you. Some time hubbers who got successful in earning large sums of money and able to get large traffic will show that. Hey peoples here i am, i earned $1000 this month from amazon or i got 15k traffic per day from my hubs.

Benefits of using hubpages

  • Hubpages article will instantly rank high on search engines.
  • If you write article for which don’t have much of competition. It will instantly rank in top 10 or 20.
  • If you write articles for competitive niche also. It will rank on top by some promotion and unique content.

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