Make Money By Blog Writing at BloggerParty

The idea of making money on the Internet is getting more and more popular and now users are to choose not whether or not to make money from home, but what work at home technique or opportunity to choose.

Today I have yet another article about blogging on-line for money. There is this blogging platform called and they offer you free hosting and revenue sharing. If you are new to this concept, check out other articles on how to earn with google adsense revenue sharing sites.

What is and how to get paid for blogging?

Internet is full of make money online techniques and opportunities, we just have to dig deep to find the best ones, the ones, which will help us earn more cash from home.

Recently I was writing a lot about earning money with micro freelance tasks and jobs and if you were reading some of those articles, I mentioned writing articles and reviews as an example of freelance tasks. I had several discussions with the readers and I think I have another great solution for your.

Content is worth the money and good content is worth a lot of money, so if you can produce quality articles or reviews, you can either sell them and get one time fee or start sharing this content articles and receive money from the revenue sharing, let me explain more. is a free blog hosting website, which allows you to create blogs, write articles and post them on BloggerParty website. This blog hosting is totally free and it is pretty good for earning money at home, as far as you can place sponsored ads on your content pages and receive your cut of the revenue.

BloggerParty is it legit or another fraud/scam website?

So, allows you to use their website, publish content and get money for this. They will take care of the technical part and your job is just to produce quality content (articles, reviews, how-to’s) and try to drive traffic to your publications.

As for the question – “Is BloggerParty a scam?” I will have to call this one right away. Most of the time, such websites can not directly scam you, they have the main advantage – they only suppy you with the opportunity of making money and the rest depends on you. They do keep a revenue share, but most of the money go in your pocket, I mean in your adsense account and there is no better way of getting money for blogging than Google Ads.

But you still must understand that BloggerParty employees are taking care of all technical stuff, so the revenue share is 50/50, which is still pretty nice, because you do get a chance of making good money online for free. Furthermore, there is an additional way of making money with – referring new members. The referral bonus is equal to 25%, which means that you will be getting 25 percent of the money made by the bloggers, who used your personal link for registering at Blogger Party hosting.

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